Saturday, December 26, 2009

Does anyone else get health problems from scented oil plug ins ?

Every time I am at someones house that has one of these gadgets; could be airwicks, glade, etc., I always end up with a very scratchy throat, a headache, and an uncomfortable disoriented type of feeling. So what about you ?Does anyone else get health problems from scented oil plug ins ?
The plug-ins make my wife sick - similar symptoms: headache, lightheadness, and nausea. For me, they don't make me sick, but the odor is too strong to be comfortable.Does anyone else get health problems from scented oil plug ins ?
I have heard of it, and my wife is bothered by other devices like that so we do not use them.
Those things are just spraying/heating chemicals into your home. If you want to use oils to scent your home look for a cool vaporizer and natural food quality oils. Young Living sells both.
Some perfumed items do this. I am sorry for you, especially when it is in someone else's house. You could ask them to move it away just for the time you are there.

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