Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have a 1972 Jeep CJ5 with a 360 in it. I have been having problems keeping my oil pressure up. Whats wrong?

I have already rebuilt the oil pump. That didn't help. When I first start my Jeep the oil pressure is around 20 psi but as I run it the pressure drops down all the way to 5 psi. I know that 5 psi is way too low but I don't know what is makeing it drop like this.I have a 1972 Jeep CJ5 with a 360 in it. I have been having problems keeping my oil pressure up. Whats wrong?
well, we dont know if you are getting the right reading. try changing the prussure switch if available. then check the guage.I have a 1972 Jeep CJ5 with a 360 in it. I have been having problems keeping my oil pressure up. Whats wrong?
replace the pressure switch can be a bad reading, if the problem continues you need an engine flush about $250 more or less can be a clog oil path in the block

make sure the oil filter is the manufacturer required

and if you try and still... next time don't rebuild, buy it brand NEW ! !
1. Inaccurate oil sending unit. In this case, pressure is actually good but the sensor doesn't read correctly. Try connecting a mechanical gauge, and read actual pressure.

2. Most likely - worn crankshaft and/or bearings cause increased gap and loss of pressure. In this case, overhaul is required before the engine is destroyed completely.
I have to go with the worn crankshaft. it could be the oil sending unit, but I had the same problem and I changed mine because someone on the net told me that was the problem, but it was bad advise. try putting one quart of the lucus oil (very thick, like syrup) in it or what you could do is replace the oil pump with a high volume oil pump and it would take up the slack of the worn bearings on the crankshaft. it's not hard, all you have to do is remove the oil pan and buy the replacement part and install it. the only problem I had was I had to hammer my oil pan just a little bit to make the new oil pump fit because the screen extended alittle longer than the origional. good luck!
Engine wear has made the clearances between the bearings too great. As the oil heats up the pressure drops because the oil can flow through the clearances between the main bearings and rod bearings too easily. Try increasing the viscosity of the oil. If you are using 10-30 go to straight 40. You may see some improvement. If not, tear down the bottom end and put new bearings in.
check the pressure with a manual oil pressure guage,and if it's still low,you might have not built the pump right. they all have clearences and some will have wear spots in the walls by the gears you can't see,or the clearence at the gear teeth too... and a check valve might be causing the problem.. just a grain of sand will cause the check valve to release pressure. and if you check all the items,mabye try a new pump,before you start looking for the brngs and rockers and things like that... and check for a bad gskt or warped connection,or o-ring at the suction tube.this tube will give you all kinda problems,or even a little hole in it... good luck..
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