Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do you think drilling for oil is causing our global warming problems today?

I look at it this way... The oil that is in our earth serves the same purpose as we use it in our automobiles.. Keeping the engine cool so it doesn't seize up and overheat. What if all that oil we have taken out of earth all of these years have caused a reaction of instability in our earth's core. There must be big air gaps now where the oil used to lay unground... what if the heat is making it through cause no oil to keep it cool.. Just my 2 cents..Yet curious as george ever was.. I'm sure that pollution isn't helping, but I am willing to bet that the oil drilling is the major problem for our climate changes we have today.. But because oil is the big money maker in our world, its being left alone and having other things to blame out climate problems on. What do you think? think I have something here that makes sence??? Maybe let others know as well and maybe make a few calls to your government.Do you think drilling for oil is causing our global warming problems today?
Not likely. If that's right, then this peer reviewed data, and 99+% of the scientists in the world are wrong.……

Could be, but I doubt it. A lot of people here have theories about global warming, but it's the greenhouse gas guys that have the data to back it up.

';I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space CommandDo you think drilling for oil is causing our global warming problems today?
No apart from causing subteranean cavities ,mining does little harm to the Environment

Man does much more harm with the products

,and the biggest destroyer of all is Farming,

followed by civilization with roads and expanding populations and their contaminating effects
It's a highly contributing factor, but not the only one. If people would just give up aerosol cans, drive economic cars and quit burning fireplaces, burn piles and patio heaters for now I'd be happy.
Global warming is a myth
Greed is and green house gases. Pollution.
Global Whining is all it's climate cycles

1 comment:

  1. I searched for this question on Google. I was worried about the same thing. It just seems that there is a good chance the earth is using oil for something. And sucking it out of the ground is only unnatural and dangerous. Since when is our goal to subdue the earth? The earth is all we have.
