Republicans controlled Congress since the early 90s until a year and a half ago. The controlled the White House and Congress for 6 straight years during that time. They currently have 49% of Congress. during that time the only time the Democrats had a majority in Congress is now, with 51%...AND BUSH HAS VETO POWER!!
How could you possibly blame the Democrats for our oil problems.How can you blame the Democrats for the oil problem if you read these facts:?
NO kidding!
For 6 years Republicans controlled the House, the Senate and the Executive branches, but somehow with only the tiniest of margins in the last 18 months it all comes down to the Democrats.
Well, the American people can't be fooled again, which is why Republicans are going to reap what they sow. Their own party suspects between 5-7 more Senate seats will be lost to Democrats this November, and they have only themselves to blame...How can you blame the Democrats for the oil problem if you read these facts:?
Because the Dems are beholden to the environmentalists.
The environmentalists WANT high oil prices because that will further their cause of getting rid of fossil fuel use in the US.
Congress, has not passed legislation that would have allowed drilling off the coasts if the states wanted them to be able to, BUT The enviro's came along and started all types of lawsuits, so the OIL companies said screw it.
So it is the environmentalists fault that oil is so expensive, and the Dems get tons of money from Enviro groups. SO the dems owe the Enviros for getting them elected and must do what they say.
Also with expensive gas comes more class envy and gives the dems a reason to raise taxes which they love to do! Cause they hate capitlism.
Easy, they block the Republican plans to drill in ANWAR and other areas, they block building nuclear power plants, refineries and using clean coal technology. Bush has never vetoed any legislation put up by the Dems that would lower gas prices. They are doing this now when we need action the most, it is easy to blame them they are the problem. Even now when we are in a crisis situation they refuse to put forth any useful legislation, taxing oil companies and opening up our national reserve are uselsess as far as solving the problem.
These are the same people that stick their head in the sand/or up their butt when conflicting issues arise
To t ran: If you and other Republicans realistically subscribed to the Constitution you would know that the purpose of the government is to ';provide for the general welfare'; of the public. Of coarse that doesn't mean handing out checks irresponsibly. BUT, if tax breaks and gravy train contracts can be given out to billion dollar corporations than a balanced and equitable assistance program for needy people is a governmental duty.
we can blame the democrats for our oil problems cause they blame republicans for everything else
besides, democrats are idiots who only believe in taking care of people who are too lazy to take care of themselves
wellfare is such bull
so i say lets blame the people who blame us for everything else
btw i love how you try to blame us for blaming you
They have stopped all possibilities of our drilling on our own land and being independent in oil and gas. The democrats are environmentalists and spread a lot of grief over global warming...(which there IS NONE OF).
Even now...they are holding back...although they are starting to crack ...and are thinking it MIGHT be possible.
You can blame Snoop Dog if you want to blame him.
What you should be asking for is supporting facts like laws that have been passed, policies that have been enacted, and so on that have any relevance.
Has Clinton signed the bill put onto his desk for signature into law allowing drilling in the ANWR, that oil would today be flowing into America instead of the oil we are currently importing from countries that hate our guts.
A secret paper has revealed that the problem is that the production of wheat for biofuels has created all these problems we are all going through today....
prezident bush is problem
I don't blame the Dems, and thanks for your perspective and the facts.
dude, we have 2 problems, 1- bush brain can't read
those who can read they don't deal with facts
because they are self centered and CANNOT PUT THE RESPONSIBILITY on their own party.
There is plenty of blame to go around.
The United States consumes the most oil in the world. We have a voracious appetite for gas guzzling cars and the auto manufacturers have not developed a more energy efficient car. Just think about it. We knew that oil was going to get more scarce many years ago but the auto industry in the US didn't even bother to produce newer cars with better gas mileage. With all the ingenuity in this country, which is something we've always prided ourselves on, you'd think by now we would have autos that could get at least 50 mpg.
Then there are the people who keep buying the gas guzzlers just so they can shuttle their kids off to school. Maybe if everyone started buying more energy efficient cars, the auto industry would get the message. I think they have now but it's going to take them years to catch up. They have absolutely no foresight, just plain greed (get as much as you can for yourself now).
The oil situation is not going to get better. Emerging economies such as China and India want more and more every day and that will drive the prices up as well.
Drilling in Alaska or offshore is not the answer. It may help but only a little. And it's going to take years before we see any small dent in the overall supply of oil.
The simple answer is CONSUME LESS.
Bush and Cheney have connections with the oil industry. They have just been padding their friend's pocketbooks, as well as their own the last 7 years (again, get all you can, while you can, and screw everyone else).
Bush has had 7 years to come up with a viable energy policy and what do we have to show for it? Nothing but let's blame the democrats because they have control of the congress now. That's pretty narrow minded thinking.
Sure the democrats have control of congress, but whos still sitting in the White House with his corporate oil buddies.
Neither party is to blame, and DONT blame bush because its not his fault either. Its the middle easts' and the stupid environmentalist hippies fault for not letting us drill or build factories and raising the prices of oil.
Drill in Alaska!
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